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Developing mobile apps for your company may seem like a daunting task, especially if you lack technical knowledge. However, with eMOBIQ, you can embark on the app development journey even without extensive technical expertise. Let’s explore why eMOBIQ is the ideal platform for non-technical individuals to create mobile apps.

Development of Mobile App Without Any Coding Required

eMOBIQ offers a no-code mobile app development platform, eliminating complex coding needs. You don’t have to be a developer or possess coding skills to create mobile apps. eMOBIQ provides a user-friendly interface and intuitive tools that allow you to design and customise your app visually.

Drag-and-Drop: The Best Approach in App-building Platform

eMOBIQ simplifies the app development process through its drag-and-drop functionality. Pre-built components and functions are readily available to select and incorporate into your app. You can create a fully functional app without writing a single code line by dragging and dropping these elements.

Ready-Made Templates Adapted from Commercially-used Mobile Apps

eMOBIQ offers a range of ready-made templates that serve as a starting point for your app development journey. These professionally designed templates are adapted from commercially used mobile apps for various industries. You can choose a template that aligns with your company’s needs and customise it to suit your branding and functionalities.

User-Centric Design with the Unified Development Centre® (UDC)

With UDC, developers will have full visual experience in building mobile apps. They can switch between Visual Logic Flow and App Page design views easily. You can drag-and-drop components, connectors and functions into the workflow and preview page, all in the same interface. The result is mobile apps that captivate users and drive engagement.

Support and Guidance for Mobile App Developers

eMOBIQ provides comprehensive support and guidance throughout the app development process. Their platform offers tutorials, documentation, and a helpful community forum where you can find answers to your questions and seek expert assistance. eMOBIQ’s support team is also readily available to address concerns or provide guidance when needed.

App Testing and Deployment

Once your app is created, eMOBIQ facilitates the testing and deployment process. You can preview and test your app on various devices to ensure its functionality and performance. eMOBIQ also provides options for publishing your app to different app stores, making it accessible to your target audience.

Continuous Improvement of the Platform By Listening to Our Users

With a fully cloud-based platform, eMOBIQ strives to continuously enhance itself by periodically introducing new features and updates. As we constantly receive technical questions, feedback and improvement requests, we improve the system or release updated tools and functionalities to create cutting-edge mobile apps. eMOBIQ’s commitment to continuous improvement allows you to stay ahead in the ever-evolving mobile app landscape.

Anyone, Even Without Technical Knowledge, Can Build Enterprise Mobile Apps

eMOBIQ empowers non-technical individuals to develop mobile apps without requiring extensive technical knowledge. With its no-code platform, drag-and-drop functionality, ready-made templates, user-centric design tools, comprehensive support, and continuous updates, eMOBIQ provides the perfect environment for anyone to embark on their app development journey and create stunning and functional mobile apps for their company.